5 research outputs found

    Noticias falsas y su impacto en la sociedad en épocas de pandemia

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    The objective of this article was to analyze the impact of fake news on people's behavior during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, a systematic review of information was carried out, which consisted of analyzing bibliography related to fake news. The bibliographic sources were taken from databases such as Ebsco Host, Springer, Emerald Insights, Scopus, Scielo and Google Scholar. The range of years of publication was not limited, accepting as valid, articles until the year 2021. The filters used and the keywords that were taken into account were "false news", "fake news", "false news COVID-19" , “fake news and social networks”, “fake news and society”, the most important inclusion criteria being that the article focuses on the relationship between fake news and the current COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 47 bibliographic references were obtained, which coincide in the fact that the main source of proliferation and dissemination of fake news -which, currently, have generated feelings of fear and doubt in the population regarding the current pandemic — are the social networks, since they do not carry out proper control of the information that is shared on them. Therefore, it is concluded that the fake news spread by social networks have a negative influence on users, increasing their fear and leading them to make decisions that in many cases can threaten their health, therefore, the different platforms of The main social networks must implement efficient control systems for the information that is shared in them, so as to stop its dissemination

    Celdas solares de perovskita como alternativa para la electrificación rural del Perú

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    This article shows some characteristics of perovskite-based solar cells -the so-called “photovoltaic technology of the future”-; among them, their high efficiency, low cost, easy production and great versatility. We also seek to provide an overview of the situation, since Peru has been favored with abundant solar energy, it is necessary to find a way to take advantage of this benefit by venturing into the development of the aforementioned technology. In addition, the country has previous experience in this regard, since there are research groups that have been studying this technology for some years. Likewise, this can be projected as a technological alternative for remote rural areas that do not have connection to any electrical grid

    Principales factores influyentes en el incremento de casos de violencia contra la mujer en Perú: contexto pandémico

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    The aim of this research is to carry out a critical review of the scientific literature related to violence against women in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a bibliographic search was carried out in the main databases, such as ScienceDirect, Scielo and Google Scholar. The filter applied consisted of using keywords such as “domestic violence”, “gender violence”, “intimate partner violence” or “violence against women” and “COVID-19”, “SARS-CoV-2”, “2019-nCoV” or “coronavirus”. Due to the relevance of the topic, no specific period is established for the selection of articles, however, emphasis is placed on publications from the last five years. In terms of content, the literature reports a measurable and codable domestic violence outcome; data on domestic violence should have been derived from administrative/official records and, although no geographic barriers were considered with respect to the location of the study, it should have been published in English and Spanish. It is concluded that the measures put in place for the eradication of violence against women have not been efficient and there are not many control measures among countries and international institutions, whose responsibility falls on these same fundamental rights of citizens to raise their awareness. On the other hand, the registered rates show an exorbitant increase

    Lepidópteros diurnos del bosque "El Pelejo" - San Martín

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    TesisLa presente investigación determinó especies de Lepidópteros diurnos presentes en el bosque "El Pelejo" — San Martín. Se efectuaron muestreos en un área conservadas, localizada dentro del predio de la Agroganadera Huallaga S.A.C. Los muestreos fueron diurnos por detección visual utilizando transeptos, durante los meses Octubre del 2 012 a Junio del 2 013. Se determinaron 33 especies de lepidópteros, pertenecientes a las familias Geometridae, Hesperidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae, Satumidae y Uranidae, siendo el primer listado al este de la región San Martín en el bosque "El Pelejo". La familia Nymphalidae fue la más representativa con 23 especies. El 100% de las especies de lepidópteros encontrados en esta investigación están en la categoría de Preocupación Menor

    Lepidópteros diurnos del bosque "El Pelejo" - San Martín

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    La presente investigación determinó especies de Lepidópteros diurnos presentes en el bosque "El Pelejo" — San Martín. Se efectuaron muestreos en un área conservadas, localizada dentro del predio de la Agroganadera Huallaga S.A.C. Los muestreos fueron diurnos por detección visual utilizando transeptos, durante los meses Octubre del 2 012 a Junio del 2 013. Se determinaron 33 especies de lepidópteros, pertenecientes a las familias Geometridae, Hesperidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae, Satumidae y Uranidae, siendo el primer listado al este de la región San Martín en el bosque "El Pelejo". La familia Nymphalidae fue la más representativa con 23 especies. El 100% de las especies de lepidópteros encontrados en esta investigación están en la categoría de Preocupación Menor.Tesi